

Attain is used by the Shire to efficiently manage compliance:

  • Compliance calendar to remind officers of their statutory obligations
  • Recording exercise of delegation
  • Declaring gifts and contributions to travel
  • Annual & primary returns
  • Related party disclosures
  • Statutory reporting
1. Your Administrator will arrange a registration link to be sent via email.

IMPORTANT: The registration link contained in the email will expire in 24 hours. After this time, you will need to contact your Administrator to provide you with another registration email.

2. In the registration email, click the link to register
3. Enter your email address followed by a password
4. Click Register
5. Now you can log in by entering your email address and password
6. You will be taken to the Home Page of Attain where you can lodge forms and update your personal details. You can also view the ‘Items Needing Attention’ list on the right-hand side of the page.

Contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer if you require assistance. 

Managing the Shire of Irwins compliance obligations with confidence!

You will have been assigned tasks to complete. These tasks are relevant to your position within the Shire of Irwin. Each task is a very important step to making sure the Shire of Irwin is compliant with legislation. 

  1. On your Home screen you will see your tasks on the right hand side. 
  2. Click on a task and it will give you all the required information to complete it. 
  3. To submit a completed task, click Update Outcome 
  4. Fill in the information you have relating to that task. ie: AltusECM reference, OCM minute reference, etc.
  5. Click Save
  6. The next tab is to attach any supporting documents if relevant
  7. Once compete, click ‘I am ready to submit this task as complete’ on the right hand side
  8. Tick the box next to ‘I confirm the task has been completed and is ready for submission’
  9. Click ‘Submit’
  1. Contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer if you require assistance. 

There are three forms of delegations that can occur within local government:
Delegations by Council to the CEO
Delegations by Council to Employees
Delegation by CEO to Employees

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest is to be reported to the CEO via a file note prior to the exercising of the delegation.

Recording an exercise
Recordkeeping requirements may be specified in legislation and/or subsidiary legislation.
Shire of Irwin employees are required to record the exercise of power or discharge of duty under a delegation as per legislation requirements. It is also a requirement by the Shire of Irwin that all exercises of delegations are to be recorded in Attain, even if the relevant act does not require a record of exercise.

To record in Attain please follow below.

  1. On the home screen, select Submit a new record of exercise
  2. From the list (or search) choose the relevant delegation being exercised
  3. Select the officer exercising the delegation
  4. Note: if you do not have delegated authority but are ‘acting through’ then select the officer with the delegated authority, they will take responsibility for formally exercising the delegation.
  5. Use the table below to assist completing the record
  6. Once the record is complete download a .pdf copy if required
  1. Contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer if you require assistance. 

Submitting a Primary Return or Annual Return

An Annual Return can be commenced at any time during the financial year but cannot be submitted until the designated form submission period.
Primary Return can be submitted anytime. A Primary Return must be submitted within 3 months of your start date in a relevant position (including any acting role).

1. From the Home Screen, click Submit a New Form
2. Choose the position you wish to submit this form under
3. Choose the Primary or Annual Return form
4. You will be given the option to copy the information from one of your previous Returns (if one exists), however you can still make any changes before submitting the new Return
5. Complete each section of the Return correctly
6. You will then reach the Review and Submit page
7. Confirm the details are correct in the Declaration box
8. Select the person you will submit this form to from the drop-down box
9. Confirm the form is correct and ready for submission
10. Click Submit
11. Once your Return has been submitted, you will receive an email acknowledging it has been received in accordance with section 5.77 of the Act. If you do not receive an acknowledgement contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer

Don’t forget to use the time saving feature of copying the contents from a previous form to a newly created form. For example, after you have submitted your Primary or Annual Return for the first time, the next time you need to complete this form you will have the option to copy its contents to a newly created Return. 

Submitting a Related Party Disclosure

  1. 1. From the Home Screen, click Submit a New Form
    2. Choose the position you wish to submit this form under
    3. Choose the Related Party Disclosure form
    4. Choose from the available disclosure periods options
    5. You will be given the option to copy the information from one of your previous forms, however you can still make any changes before submitting the new form.

IMPORTANT: This form is designed to be used as information becomes available. If you do not have all of the information to hand to complete this form, it is possible to save your place using the Save and exit button at the top right.

6. Enter the information required, and you will be taken to the Review and Submit Page
7. Check to make sure all the details you have entered are correct as once this form is submitted, it cannot be amended
8. Tick the box confirming the form is correct and ready for submission
9. Click Submit.

Don’t forget to use the time saving feature of copying the contents from a previous form to a newly created form. For example, after you have submitted your Related Party Disclosure for the first time, the next time you need to complete this form you will have the option to copy its contents to a newly created form.

Contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer if you require assistance. 

Submitting a Gift Declaration

1. From the Home Screen, click Submit a New Form
2. Choose the position you wish to submit this form under
3. Choose the Gift Declaration Form
4. Ensure your details are correct, click Next
6. Enter the details of the gift
7. You will then be taken to the Review and Submit page

Note: The Submission Summary on the right-hand side of the page will contain details of the cumulative value of gifts from this gift donor, and how the gift will be treated in the registers.

8. Scroll down to see the Declaration box
9. Confirm the details are correct
10. Click Submit.

Contact the IT Systems & Governance Officer if you require assistance.