

Do I need to submit a request form?

Details to assist with Advertising Request Form

  1. Please provide a teaser image (size must be 750 x 410 px maintaining resolution).
  2. Please provide a teaser comment  (180 characters maximum).
  3. Please provide a date or date range you would like the advertisement to be published.
  4. Proof read the advertisement(spelling, grammar, formatting). 
  5. If the advertisement has an accompanying article (public notice, flyer, poster), please provide the following:
  • Title
  • Release date & end date
  • Summary
  • Description
    • The article itself (public notice, flyer, poster) in pdf format​

 **Please note that if you require your advertisment as a social media post ONLY, you just need to email the draft post direct to the Development & Executive Officer for approval; you do not need to complete a request form**

Select a Facebook page: 

  • Shire of Irwin      
  • Irwin Rec Centre
  • Dongara/Port Denison Visitors Centre
    1. Attach an image in jpg format  (medium to high resolution).
    2. Provide the date you would like the posted, if more than once indicate all dates. 
    3. Provide a comment attached in pdf format.
    4. Proof read the advertisement (spelling, grammar, formatting).
  1. Select black & white or colour **there is a cost for colour advertisements**.
  2. For Shire of Irwin Public Notice, use this  Template
  3. Provide a date or date range for your advertisement to be published.
  4. Proof read the advertisement (spelling, grammar, formatting).
  5. Cut off date is Wednesday – one week before the publication is released (this is to allow sufficient time for CEO approval).
  1. Select black & white or colour.
  2. Provide a date or date range for your advertisement to be published.
  3. Ensure you have a sufficient budget allocation for the cost of advertising.
  4. Proof read the advertisement (spelling, grammar, formatting).
  5. The Development & Executive Officer will send you a proof and cost estimate for approval before committing to publishing.
  1. Select black & white or colour.
  2. Provide a date or date range for your advertisement to be published.
  3. Ensure you have a sufficient budget allocation for the cost of advertising.
  4. Proof read the advertisement (spelling, grammar, formatting).
  5. The Development & Executive Officer will send you a proof and cost estimate for approval before committing to publishing.
  1. Please choose black & white or colour.
  2. Provide a date or date range for you advertisement to be published.
  3. Ensure you have a sufficient budget allocation for the cost of advertising.
  4. Proof read the advertisement(spelling, grammar, formatting).
  5. The Development & Executive Officer will send you a proof and cost estimate for approval before committing to publishing.